08. How to create a Home Page with Visual Composer
Visual Composer is a premium WordPress plugin bundled with the theme that allows you to create complex page layout without editing the code, with a simple drag and drop procedure. In this video you can see a live example of how to create a homepage with Visual Composer in Vlogger.
Vlogger adds to Visual Composer 14 custom elements, well documented in the official documentation. With the custom Vlogger elements you'll be able to create a stunning home page in minutes, including slideshows, carousels and post grids of any sort. For a complete list and documentation of our custom shortcodes, please check the full documentation here.
Important note:
Visual Composer is provided with Bundle license. This means the plugin is licensed to us to be included with the Vlogger theme. You don't get to have a Personal purchase code, and you don't need to do do the Visual Composer secondary activation for the automatic updates, even thou you may see in your admin a banner requiring activation. If you see such request, just hide the message and wait for next theme version to eventually update the plugin.
Written by Themes2go